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Down for the Count is the untold gritty adult take on a children’s classic. Eccentric lord Gerdidian Countington III known as Count to his friends is the disgraced son of a vampire count. Half-vampire half-maths teacher, he suppresses his lust for blood with his lust for teaching maths. Sick of the debauched entertainments of the vampire court, he retreats to his Count country estate to wrestle alone with his dark passions. Cassandra is an outcast cursed by a witch to spend only nights in her true form of a tall, golden-haired maiden and her days in the form of a giant bird. Shot from the sky by a hunter, she crash-lands in Count’s remote castle as the sun sets and the reclusive mathematician finds himself with an injured beauty on his hands. Her low self-esteem about her height as a lady and her daily bird curse draw out a protective side in Count and he longs to claim her as his eternal mate. As Cassandra recuperates under the Count’s meticulous care, she is struck by the contrast between his cold demeanour, his warm hands, and his hot penis. [Alison and Alice laughs] But under the threat of being disinherited by his father  the Count, can he offer her anything more than a brief though passionate affair to make her stay? Cassandra knows her bird curse can be broken only by love’s true sex and she refuses the Count’s penis unless he can promise to love her. All she wants is somewhere to call home but she cannot accept a loveless marriage and Count’s fears of love drive her from his side. When the Count, Count’s father dies unexpectedly in a mass vampire slaying, Count becomes Count Count and inherits a fortune and when he returns to the ballrooms of London and the lecture halls of the Royal Academy with his breakthrough mathematical formula, he finds Cassandra the toast of the town engaged to a wealthy popping jay. Can Count win back Cassandra’s affection? Can Cassandra and Count together break her curse with love’s true sex?

Find out in Down for the Count. Available now in the back room of all children’s book stores. 

Alison: I don’t know about you Alice, but I’m sliding off my chair listening to that advertisement. I think you should do romantic audiobooks. I really got swept up into that.
